A simplistic medium style blog WYSIWYG editor for website.
Action | Description |
bold | Make selected text bold |
italic | Make selected text italic |
underline | Underline selected text |
justifyLeft | Justify selected content to left |
justifyCenter | Justify selected content to center |
justifyRight | Justify selected content to right |
foreColor | Create a basic color pallete which color foreground |
backColor | Create a basic color pallete which color background |
insertHeading | Insert a H3 tag below the selected paragraph, can be used for subheadings in blogs |
textSize | Change font size of selected text, repeated clicks on this action button will cycle through different sizes |
createLink | Convert selected text into a link |
subscript | Subscript selected text |
superscript | Superscript selected text |
strikeThrough | Create a strike line in selected text |
insertCode | Insert code bar to write some code in blog |
insertImage | Insert an image from link provided |
insertHorizontalRule | Insert a horizontal line to seperate blog sections |